Video by courtesy of Seoul Auction X, 2024


Woo Jung Ghil (b. Seoul, 1992) lives and works in London. She started her BA at Camberwell College of Art and graduated from Cambridge School of Visual & Performing Arts '20 and gained her MA in Painting at The Royal College of Art, London '23.


길우정에게 작업이란 자신의 모든 것을 마음 중심에 세운 한 가지에 집중하는 것이다. 이 과정에서 내적 소음이 멎고, 초점이 맑아진 정신 상태를 경험하게 된다. 즉, 끊임없이 변화하는 자극적인 외부 세계에도 불구하고 방해받지 않는 내면의 성역에 대한 개념적이고 시각적인 탐구인 것이다. ‘정적’은 항상 도달하고 싶고 머물고 싶은 지극히 개인적인 내면의 이상적 상태를 의미하며, 시각적으로는 그 근본에 영속성이 있는 자연의 산과 물에서 영감을 얻는다.

Ghil's work emphasises the act of concentrating on a single subject that has captivated the forefront of one's thoughts. It requires achieving a mental state where distractions dissipate, and her concentration becomes exceptionally sharp. It resembles immersing oneself in an inner sanctuary, shielded from the external world’s turmoil. The concept of “Jeongjeok” represents an intimate, ideal mental condition that she aims to achieve and sustain, drawing inspiration from the timeless essence of nature’s mountains and waters.

"새벽이 결국 빛으로 향하는 시간이듯, 길우정의 회화도 어둠보다는 온화함으로 가득 차 있다. 색채는 차분하고 선은 부드럽지만 그 아래에는 우직한 생명의 기운이 흐른다. 수겹의 레이어를 덧칠하는 과정은 외부 세계와 내면의 소음에 대항하는 작가의 의지이자 수행적 행위이며, 캔버스에서 은은히 뿜어져 나오는 서정적 에너지는 그 어떤 소리보다 강한 침묵, 작가가 소망하는 고요의 순간을 대변한다. 길우정의 작업은 각각이 하나의 목적지이자, 궁극의 정적을 향해 가는 경유지이기도 하다. 작가가 붓질로 이룩한 마음의 풍경을 통해 잠시나마 내면의 평온을 음미할 수 있는 시간이 되기를 바란다."    - 길우정 전시 서문 中.  글 이하진, 2024

"Just as dawn inevitably leads to light, Ghil Woo Jung‘s paintings are a warm embrace rather than a shroud of darkness. The soothing colours and gentle lines in her works create a sense of calm, yet beneath them, the relentless energy of life flows. Layering multiple coats of paint is the artist’s resistance against the outside world and inner turmoil, serving as a meditative practice. The subtle lyrical energy that emanates from the canvas represents a silence stronger than any sound, the moment of stillness the artist aspires to. Ghil Woo Jung‘s works are both a destination and a waypoint on the path toward ultimate tranquillity. This exhibition invites you to savour a moment of inner peace through the landscapes of the heart she has crafted with her brushstrokes, leaving you with a sense of calm and tranquillity."            - by Hajin Lee, 2024

Exhibitions &.

Upcoming : April - June 2025 / Solo / Francis Gallery, LA


  • Solo <Reclaim, 돌아올 정적> Seoul Auction X - Seoul, UK

B.Frame: Interview 

MBN News

Global Economic 글로벌이코노믹

  • <Uncarved Block, Unbleached SilkThe Meeting Point (c)Matilda Liu - London, UK

1883magazine: 16th May, 24

  • <Summer Stroll> The Stroll Gallery (c)Stella Yumi Kim - Hong Kong, China
  • <Anonymous Time> The Stroll Gallery (c)Stella Yumi Kim - Hong Kong, China


Sludge Magazine, Oct, 23

Meer l Art: 8th Sep, 23

MilliOnAir Autumn Edition 2023 (p.162-165)

A.R.T. Magazine Issue 8, Autumn 2023 (p.57-60) : 'Nostalgic Dialogue' an interview with Anke Kempkes & Linn Zhang

  • <Linger in Silence> Willesden Gallery (c)TRA Collective - London, UK
  • <One foot in the sky> Contemporary Sculpture Fulmer with Apsara Studio/Aora Gallery, (c) Jenn Ellis - London, UK 
  • <Quiet Shores, Vibrant swells: The young waves from east asia> European Cultural Academy, (c)Jin Joo Lee - Venice, Italy
  • <Royal College of Art Graduation Show> The Truman Brewery- London, UK
  • <Raise Love by One Inch>  The Crypt Gallery with Pijin Culture Development Co., Ltd. (c)Zhaoqi Yu - London, UK
  • <Third Floor Exhibition>, Royal College of Art Battersea, (c)Rachel Gordon- London, UK
  • <Moving Through, a transitional moment>, Safe House with Apsara Gallery (c)Gabrielle Ackerman - London, UK
  • <In the midst of a Melting Garden> Rupturexibit, (c)Jinyao Wang, Yan Xie - London, UK
  • <Backstroke> Batsford Gallery with RCA CSSA , (c)Jiayi Hong - London, UK
  • <The Infinite Game: Dicing> Hexagon Gallery, (c)Yvonne Wang - Shenzen, China
  • <Christie's Lates: Year of the Rabbit - Outlanders: Dreams of a new moon>  Christie's  London - King Street Gallery, (c)Sukii Lu, Zihan Wen - London, UK  
  • <Infinite Softness> Danuseur&Ramírez, (c)Casper Danuser - London, UK


  • Beijing contemporary art EXPO,with WAS Art centre, Beijing, China
  • Culture EXPO, Culture Centre, with WAS Art centre, Ningbo, China
  • <The infinite game: hide and seek> WAS Art Centre, (c)Ling Shao, Ningbo, China
  • <RAW> Soho Revue, RCA 1st year Painting WIP Show, London, UK
  • <W.I.P. : Royal College of Art Work in Progress 2022> Online, London, UK


  • <i> Cafe Tain, (c)Kiseok Cho, Seoul, Korea
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